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The Upminster and District Probus Club was founded in 1976 and now has over 70 members.  Lunch meetings are held at the The Square at Upminster, on the second Wednesday of every month, except August, when the meeting is likely to be at The Top Meadow Golf Club.  We meet at about 10.30 a.m. for a 11.30 a.m. start, when routine club business is conducted prior to a 12.00 noon lunch.  An excellent three-course lunch is served, at a cost of £25 after which there is usually a speaker.  Our talks cover a wide variety of interesting topics and the meetings close about 2.30 p.m.  A full list of meetings, speakers and topics is given in the above link “Meetings” and is also included in our Annual Club Handbook. The annual subscription is £10 and the joining fee is £10 (which includes a Probus badge and name badge).  Probus ties and other supplies can be ordered from Probus Magazine, or through the secretary.


During each year we have several organised outings, which often include lunch.  These days out are very popular with members and their families/friends and are competitively priced.  Details are shown in the above link “Outings” and are also included in the regular newsletters issued by our outings’ coordinator.

In March each year we have a Ladies' Lunch.  Next year it will probably be held on Tuesday 7th March at The Top Meadow Golf Club.  This is an excellent opportunity for members to entertain their wives/partners/friends at a social event with a three-course meal.


Although we have almost 70 members at present, there is no waiting list and new members would be most welcome.  Why not come along to one of our meetings, as a fee-paying guest, and find out for yourself what a friendly bunch we are? 


As a club for gentlemen, we have an unofficial dress code policy of jackets, ties and no jeans.


If you wish to attend one of our meetings, you will need to book your lunch in advance by telephoning Robert Langstone, our Lunch Secretary, 01708 226705, or emailing him at  A three course lunch costs just £25, payable in cash, at the meeting.



If you then wish to become a member of the Upminster & District Probus Club, please contact Mick Hewitt, our Membership Secretary, 01708 507674, or email and ask for an application form.

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